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Cé hiad Litearthacht sna Meáin, Éire?

Is comhaontas neamhfhoirmiúil de dhaoine aonair agus eagraíochtaí iad Litearthacht sna Meáin, Éire (LMÉ), a oibríonn le chéile ar bhonn deonach (den chuid is mó) chun litearthacht sna meáin a chur chun cinn in Éirinn .Tá LMÉ éascaithe ag Coimisiún na Meán agus tá breis agus 250 ball in LMÉ ó raon leathan earnálacha.

Is í ár bhfís ná go mbeadh na scileanna agus an mhuinín ag gach duine in Éirinn chun teacht ar ábhar agus seirbhísí ar gach ardán agus go mbeidís in ann iad sin a mheas go criticiúil. Go mbeadh tuiscint agus cumas acu ceisteanna a chur mar a oibríonn na meáin agus an teicneolaíocht dhigiteach, go mbeidís in ann rioscaí a shainaithint agus a bhainistiú, agus go mbeidís in ann páirt a ghlacadh sa phobal ar bhealach freagrach, eiticiúil agus éifeachtach.

Chun aistriú go leagan Béarla an tsuímh seo, brúigh an cnaipe ‘EN’ thuas. Tá Gluais Gaeilge de théarmaí litearthachta sna meáin forbartha againn le haistriúcháin ar fhocail agus ar théarmaí agus samplaí d’úsáid na dtéarmaí i bhfoirm abairtí.

Foghlaim níos mó fúinn

Oiliúint agus Forbairt

FactCheck Knowledge Bank

Equip yourself to be your own FactChecker. The Journal FactCheck, which has been targeting disinformation in Ireland since 2016, launched a brand new media literacy resource to allow members of the public to be their own fact-checker….

Everywhere All the Time

A digital literacy intervention for teens that fosters critical conversions about technology and AI With a growing generation of teens relying on the internet for learning, entertainment and socialising, it’s crucial to cultivate their…

Top Tips to Be Media Smart

Download and display these posters to remind people how to ‘Stop, Think and Check’, and to promote any Be Media Smart events you might be planning. Do let us know about any events and we can help to promote them. Posters are available in…

Workshop in Box

The workshop in a box provides teachers, librarians, community leaders and other educators with the resources needed to deliver a Be Media Smart workshop where participants can learn about engaging with digital media content, as well as…

Ceardlann i mBosca

Soláthraíonn an cheardlann i mbosca na hacmhainní a theastaíonn uathu chun ceardlann litearthachta sna meáin a sholáthar do mhúinteoirí, leabharlannaithe, ceannairí pobail agus éascaitheoirí foghlama eile. Is é aidhm na…

TeaMLit online course – Media Literacy for Teachers

The TeaMLit online course helps all teachers in all settings become media literate and bring media literacy into the classrooms. The course is composed of 5 online modules that guide participants through the landscape of media literacy…

Storytelling – “From Page to Screen” with author Dave Rudden

This is a series of lesson plans designed to educate students on the core concepts behind creative writing through film and TV. Each lesson plan is designed to guide participants through the official industry process of creating a…

EDUbox: from vote to policy

Understanding how the political system works is part of the digital citizenship. However, the system can seem very complex, and it’s not always clear how our vote influences the final policy. EDUbox aims to provide young people with…

The Conspiracy Test

The Conspiracy Test is a collaboration between the School of Thought and the University of Queensland Critical Thinking Project. It is a gamified interactive platform to help increase healthy scepticism for conspiracy theories. Users…

Teaching Lateral Reading

Lateral reading is a powerful and effective technique used by factcheckers to evaluate the accuracy and reliability of information online. The Civic Online Reasoning project from the Stanford University offers a sequence of lessons that…

Cad is litearthacht sna meáin ann?

Ní thugann LMÉ sainmhíniú ar litearthacht sna meáin go cúng. Féachaimid ar Bheartas
Coimisiún na Meán um Litearthacht sna Meáin
 um Litearthacht sna Meáin chun litearthacht sna meáin a
mhíniú i leith daoine aonair agus na sochaí. Leagtar amach i mBeartas Coimisiún na Meán um Litearthacht sna Meáin na trí chroí-inniúlacht seo a leanas agus na scileanna
gaolmhara litearthachta sna meáin.

  • Ábhar agus seirbhísí craolta, digiteacha agus meán eile a thuiscint agus a mheas go
    criticiúil, chun roghanna eolacha a dhéanamh agus chun úsáid na meán a bhainistiú ar an
    mbealach is fearr.
  • Rochtain ar ábhar agus seirbhísí craolta agus meán digiteach agus úsáid a bhaint astu ar
    bhealach sábháilte agus slán, chun deiseanna a mhéadú agus rioscaí a laghdú.
  • A bheith cruthaitheach agus páirt a ghlacadh tríd na meáin chumarsáide, ar bhealach
    freagrach, eiticiúil agus éifeachtach, i ngnéithe cruthaitheacha, cultúir agus daonlathacha na

An nuacht is déanaí

31 January 2025

MLI January Newsletter

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30 January 2025

Information Wars: Journalism, Digital Media and Narrative on Palestine

by Eileen Culloty, DCU Institute for Future Media and Journalism (FuJo)  EDMO Ireland and Academics for Palestine are hosting a symposium on media narratives about Palestine on Friday, 7 February. Dr Mike Berry…

30 January 2025

Near FM Training Programmes in 2024

by Dorothee Meyer-Holtkamp, Media and Outreach Coordinator, Near Media Co-op Young Community Leaders and Media Literacy Training In December 2024, Near FM teamed up with the YCL (Young Community Leaders), a programme for young…

30 January 2025

EDMO Training Series on Health Disinformation

EDMO is offering a free online training series on health disinformation. This is open to all stakeholders working to tackle disinformation, as well as public health policy experts interested in questions related to…

30 January 2025

Government Priorities around Media and Digital Literacy

Coalition leaders Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael, with input from Independents, have outlined the following key priorities around media and digital literacy in their newly ratified Programme for Government 2025: Securing Ireland’s…

30 January 2025

Funding Available for Media Literacy Projects

There are currently four funding calls open that may be of interest to media literacy stakeholders and practitioners. Deadlines for applications are in February, March and April. Adult Literacy for Life Collaboration and Innovation…

28 January 2025

Safer Internet Day 2025

Safer Internet Day will take place on Tuesday, 11th February 2025. The celebrations will be based around the theme, “Prepare / Protect / Thrive: Navigating Algorithms and Influencers.” This theme invites parents, schools, educators,…

23 January 2025

Meta ends third-party fact-checking programme  

On 7 January 2025, Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Meta (Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp), announced that Meta was ending its third-party fact-checking programme. This programme was instituted by Meta in 2016 to counter the spread of…

9 January 2025

Applications Now Open for the 2025 Collaboration and Innovation Fund

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7 January 2025

MLI December Newsletter

Welcome to the MLI Monthly Update! Have something you want to share with the membership? Tell us about it by emailing us at We are particularly interested in including your resources in…

Cláraigh lenár Líonra

Bí i do bhall de MLI agus déan teagmháil le daoine gairmiúla eile atá tiomanta do litearthacht sna meáin a chur chun cinn ar fud na hÉireann.

Cláraigh linn


23 February 2023

MLI Working Group Panel meeting

The next MLI Working Group Panel meeting will take place on February 23 at 10am. If you are a member of the MLI Working Group Panel and you have not received the meeting invitation please email If you are…

21 February 2023

Supporting Teens Online

Webwise; the Irish internet safety awareness centre is hosting the ‘Talk, Listen, Learn Online Safety Webinar’ for parents/guardians of teens. The webinar will explore the opportunities and risks for children online, offer practical…

9 February 2023

Fighting Misinformation Online Conference – What Finland has Uncovered

Alongside the European University Institute, the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation and YouTube, Google’s Northern Europe team is kicking off the year with a Fighting Misinformation Online event as part of Media Literacy Week in…

8 February 2023

Launch of History of the Future podcast series

The Schuler Democracy Forum are launching a new podcast series called ‘History of the Future’. The six-part series is co-hosted by Ellie Payne and Mark Little will interrogate ideas about the future, truth, fear, identity, freedom,…

7 February 2023

Supporting Children Online

Webwise in partnership with the National Parents Council Primary are delighted to organise an Online Safety Webinar for parents of young children. The webinar will discuss the opportunities and risks for children online, offer…

7 February 2023

Safer Internet Day 2023

The Irish Safer Internet Centre is pleased to invite you to the flagship Safer Internet Day 2023 event exploring the theme of building empathy and respect online. Discussions will explore some of the opportunities and challenges around…

19 December 2022

MLA4MedLit Conference

Teachers play a hugely important role in empowering young citizens to tackle disinformation by promoting digital, media and information literacy in their classrooms. This one-day online conference from the Media Learning Association aims…

16 November 2022

Exploring Media Literacy at National, Regional and Local Level – the work of the EDMO Hubs

EDMO has set up national and multinational hubs in Europe to tackle disinformation and one of the core tasks of these hubs is to organise media literacy activities at national or multinational level. This series will highlight specific…

4 November 2022

Nordicom/Media & Learning Association Wednesday Webinar series

The first part of the webinar will introduce Media Literacy in the Flemish region of Belgium and provide an overview of the status of Media Literacy in Flanders, describe the relevant policy framework and the extent to which media literacy…

27 October 2022

Nurturing Trust by evaluating impact: Why understanding what works in MIL interventions is essential

Marking Global Media and Information Literacy Week 2022, this webinar has been jointly developed by Media Literacy Ireland (MLI), the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO) and the Irish EDMO Hub and will take place on 27 October. It…

Fan suas chun dáta

Bí linn trí chlárú dár nuachtlitir inniu.

Féach ar ár bpolasaí príobháideachais leis an gcaoi a n-úsáidfimid do chuid faisnéise agus conas a choimeádfaimid do chuid faisnéise sábháilte.