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Transparency of content moderation on social media


18 March 2021    
15:00 - 16:15


Event Type

Organised by the European Audiovisual Observatory (EAO), this is the first of series of webinars exploring the Digital Services Act.

Social Media providers have become a sort of judge, jury and executioner regarding important issues of freedom of expression online. The DSA gives users and consumers the possibility to contest the decisions taken by the online platforms to remove their content, including when these decisions are based on platforms’ terms and conditions. It also proposes rules on transparency of content moderation decisions but how will these rules work in practice? Join us online and find out! Working language is English.

Speakers includes Maja Cappello (EAO), Francisco Javier Cabrera Blázquez (EAO), Alexandre De Streel (University of Namur), Lubos Kuklis (ERGA), Marisa Jimenéz Martín (Facebook) and Paolo Celot (EAVI).