This final event of the #KeepItReal campaign will explore the impact of online disinformation on freedom of expression in Ireland.
In December 2020, ARTICLE 19 launched the #KeepItReal conversation on disinformation and the freedom of expression with young people in Ireland today across social media and the press.
A talented team of young ambassadors from all across the country, and with an array of different expertise, volunteered to lead the discussion both publicly and amongst peers. They examined how society can respond to the issues that hinder their right to the freedom of expression and the role of social media companies in the regulation of disinformation.
With this event, ARTICLE 19 are inviting you to join the conversation around “fake news” and how decisions are made on what is allowed on social media. You’ll hear from campaign ambassadors, ARTICLE 19 representatives and international and national experts on how to combat the threat of disinformation to the right to freedom of expression in Ireland.
- Welcome and introduction: Ciarán Ralph (Keep It Real Ambassador)
- Keynote speech: David Kaye (former UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Freedom of Opinion and Expression and ARTICLE 19’s board member)
- Presentation of the #KeepItReal campaign: Dylan Archbold (Keep It Real Ambassador)
- Roundtable: Aoife Grace Moore (Political Correspondent, Irish Examiner), Siobhan Cummiskey (Director of Public Policy, Campaigns and Programmes EMEA, Facebook), Pierre François Docquir (Head of Media Freedom, ARTICLE 19); moderated by Natasha Sutton (Keep It Real Ambassador)
- Q&A and closing: moderated by Natasha Sutton (Keep It Real Ambassador)