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MLA4MedLit Conference on Media Literacy Standards and Best Practices

The Media & Learning Association (MLA) recently hosted an online conference dedicated to exploring the importance of defining standards and identifying best practices in media literacy. This event was linked to the efforts of the EDMO Working Group on Standards and Best Practices. This event, titled “MLA4MedLit Conference on Standards and Best Practices in Media Literacy,” brought together experts and participants from across the globe to discuss the challenges and opportunities associated with establishing clear criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of media literacy interventions.

The European Media Literacy Focus

With an increasing emphasis on evaluating media literacy interventions, the European Media Literacy community faces the challenge of determining the quality of such interventions in diverse settings. The MLA4MedLit Conference provided a platform to address this issue, with a focus on the ongoing work of the EDMO Working Group on Media Literacy Standards and Best Practices.

Conference Highlights

The conference included a range of insightful sessions. The agenda began with a discussion on the current state of media literacy in Europe, featuring speakers: Igor Kanižaj from the University of Zagreb; Andy Stoycheff from NTCenter, Bulgaria and Maja Capello, European Audiovisual Observatory. The program expanded its horizons to look beyond Europe with presentations from Yonty Friesem, Executive Director of the Media Education Lab, USA; Matthew Johnson, Director of Education at MediaSmarts, Canada and Megan Fromm, Education Manager at NAMLE, USA. One of the key sessions included a presentation by Emma Goodman from EUI/LSE, London, providing an overview of the draft set of standards created by the EDMO Working Group. Break-out sessions allowed participants to engage in discussions and contribute their perspectives on refining the guidelines for standards and best practices.

Global Participation

The conference attracted a diverse audience, with 175 registrations from 56 countries, including 22 Member States. The event showcased the global interest in media literacy, bringing together professionals, policymakers, and researchers from Australia, Philippines to Brazil. The highest number of connected attendees reached 78 during the conference.

Positive Feedback

Post-conference feedback highlighted the success of the event. Participants cmplimented the organisation, the informative presentations, and the opportunity for in-depth discussions in small groups. The contributions from North American colleagues were particularly well-received, and participants expressed their appreciation for the clarity of the speakers and the engaging breakout sessions. The MLA4MedLit Conference on Standards and Best Practices in Media Literacy definitely played a role in advancing the conversation around evaluating and promoting effective media literacy interventions. The collaboration and insights shared during the conference are expected to contribute to the development of these standards that will benefit the European Media Literacy community and its stakeholders.

Agenda, Presentations and Recordings are available:

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