How do you know what’s real or fake online? That is the question that Trend Micro Ireland want young people to answer in a two minute video as the annual youth video competition ‘What’s Your Story?’ is launched.

The competition now in its 11th successful year in Ireland, invites young people to help solve a challenge that the internet poses to all of its users. Closing date is January 10th 2023 with Winners announced on Safer Internet Day Feb 7th, 2023.
Winners are selected each year by a panel of independent judges representing Media Literacy Ireland, Cyber Safe Kids, Webwise/PDST, Science Foundation Ireland/Smart Futures, Young Irish Film Makers, Facebook and Twitter. The video competition is open to individuals, schools and youth groups 8-12 years and 13 years +.

Trend Micro’s Internet Safety for Kids and Families (ISKF) programme was launched in 2008 to help kids around the world become great digital citizens. It’s mission is to empower kids and families to use the internet in safe, positive, and productive ways through educational programs, key partnerships, and a wide range of resources for communities (both online and face to face). To date, the programme has reached almost 3 million children, parents, and teachers in more than 25 countries. For more information as well as safety tips, tools and advice, visit: