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Subject: I want to learn more about media literacy

The Conspiracy Test

The Conspiracy Test is a collaboration between the School of Thought and the University of Queensland Critical Thinking Project. It is a gamified interactive platform to help increase healthy scepticism for conspiracy theories. Users can select a theory they think might be true, set a baseline of scepticism, and challenge themselves through a series of

Digital News Report 2023

The most recent Digital News report shows new insights on digital news consumption based on a survey of over 93,000 online news consumers in 46 markets covering half of the world’s population. The material is useful for people who want to have a better understanding of the current state of digital news consumption around the

The Bad News Game

The goal of this game is to expose the tactics and manipulation techniques that are used to mislead people and build up a following. Bad News works as a psychological “vaccine” against disinformation: according to the developers, playing it builds cognitive resistance against common forms of manipulation that you may encounter online. Please click on

Scrolling news: the changing face of online news consumption

In this report, Ofcom used a variety of methods to gain an insight into the online news landscape and how people consume online news. The use of social media as people’s main route to access news blurs the boundaries between news, entertainment, and social content, which creates difficulty in thinking critically when it comes to

Report – Risks and Opportunities for Children in a Digital World

This report, commissioned by UNICEF in 2021, explores what has been learned from recent research studies about children’s experiences and outcomes relating to the internet and digital technologies. It is a good resource to inform educators, librarians and parents on the best evidence on this topic. Please click on the link below to access the

Inoculation Science

This website from the Cambridge Social Decision-Making Lab. provides games, videos and research explaining inoculation theory and how it helps build resistance against manipulation. 

MediaWise Youtube channel

This YouTube channel features fact-checking videos submitted by MediaWise’s Teen Fact-Checking Network, collaborations with the MediaWise Ambassadors, and media literacy tips. It is a good resource for those who want to learn how to tell fact from fiction. MediaWise is a non-profit, nonpartisan program of The Poynter Institute, that aims to teach people how to

Skillify – understand your level of digital skills

Skillify is a self-assessment tool developed by The Digital Collective (DigiCo) to help people understand their level of digital skills in 21 different topics. It covers the following areas: Information and Data Literacy; Communication and Collaboration; Digital Content Creation; Safety; and Problem Solving. It provides a detailed report on people’s digital skills and some recommendations to