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UCD launches Digital Media Literacy Module

UCD’s School of Information and Communication Studies (ICS) has launched a new module, called Digital Media Literacy (DML).

The new DML module will help train media literate citizens, through the development of a combined set of competencies relating to knowledge and skills that are necessary for life and work in today’s world in a variety of contexts including libraries and the broader media industry.  Students will have opportunities to develop their digital and media literacy skills, to make informed decisions about the information they encounter in the digital environment, and to become involved in practical activities in the workplace, such as creating a public consciousness-raising campaign around a media literacy topic.

A number of learning outcomes are anticipated with completion of the module:

  • Define and describe media literacy concepts.
  • Discern factual information from incorrect and malicious information that is published in digital media.
  • Identify and analyse media literacy issues and impact relevant to different people and communities.
  • Design, develop, and present effective digital media literacy awareness and training events and initiatives for the workplace environment.

The module brings together scholarship and expertise in the area of media literacy, including academics in the UCD School of Information and Library Studies, library and information professionals who provide help around media literacy issues in the field, and professionals focused on media literacy in the public domain, such as Martina Chapman from MLI, Jane McGarrigle from Webwise, Headline, and CISPA – the Helmholtz Center for Information Security.

Importantly, the module formalises media literacy training for postgraduate students on the Master of Library and Information Studies and Master of Communications programmes in the school.  Previously, media literacy training occurred in some modules as a learning unit.  The new module offers a significant step forward by offering students a dedicated module where they can expand their learning about digital media literacy for application in their future professional work and their private lives.

The module is worth 5 credits.  The school anticipates offering the module for continuing professional development (CPD) next year. 

If you would like to learn more about this module, please contact Professor Crystal Fulton, Module Coordinator,