The NewsXchange conference takes place in Dublin on June 19 and 20 2023.
Operated on behalf of Eurovision News by News Agenda, the conference represents an opportunity for everyone with an interest in quality journalism to get together in person, and is sponsored by a range of global news organisations.
In addition to a packed agenda with some very high profile speakers, the organisers want to connect with the next generation of news makers and news consumers through an initiative called Questions From The Next News Generation.
Get involved

As part of this initiative, young people are being invited to put questions to a number of important panel discussions including:
- The Keynote speech from Liz Truss MP, former UK Prime Minister
- The Irish Frontline: After Biden and Brexit, what’s next on the news agenda at home and abroad? (with Joe Reddington, Tony Connelly, Una Kelly, Miriam O’Callaghan)
- The Keynote from An Taoiseach, Leo Varadker TD
- The Digital Frontline: How Generative AI will change the news business. Threats and opportunity (with Ariane Bernard, Mark Little, Kirsten Dewer)
- Reaching New Audiences – how to connect beyond traditional news outlets? (with Clodagh Griffen and Kamal Ahmed)
Young people can submit their questions for these panels via this online survey.
Free Tickets
Help the next generation become part of the story, by promoting this opportunity among the young people that you know or work with. The kind people at News Xchange have offered a small number of tickets to MLI members working with young people. Allocation will be on a ‘first come, first serve’ basis. Please email with the subject ‘Questions from the Next News Generation’ by June 10 if you are interested in tickets.