1. Register for Safer Internet Day 2020
Let us know what you are planning to do to mark Safer Internet Day 2020, and we will send you online safety packs, including free wristbands for all of your participants. All schools, organisations, clubs, and community groups who are registered for #SID2020 will feature on the Webwise interactive map, which showcases the events that are taking place all over Ireland. Spread the word by encouraging schools, parent groups, organisations and communities to get involved and sign-up via webwise.ie/saferinternetday/.

2. Order Free Education Resources and Lessons
Webwise provide FREE curriculum aligned education resources, lessons and activities addressing a range of online safety and digital media literacy topics and themes including cyberbullying, image-sharing, privacy, online wellbeing and more. These resources can be accessed for free via webwise.ie and we also send out hard copies to schools. For Safer Internet Day, we encourage all schools in Ireland to engage in online safety lessons and activities. Why not introduce students to the HTML Heroes, or start a conversation on consent using the Lockers programme.

3. Webwise Parents
Safer Internet Day is a great time to engage parents, and raise awareness of the important role they have to play in helping their child to have a positive experience online. Webwise has free presentations that schools can download, and use to host a Parents Internet Safety Evening. These scripted presentations address topics such as screen time, popular apps, and include videos from child psychologists education and online safety experts.
The webwise.ie/parents Hub is a great resource for parents, with practical, jargon free advice on a range of topics including screen time, image-sharing and social media. There are lots of helpful explainers on the most popular apps children might be using for example TikTok or Fortnite with helpful videos from experts on topics such as consent and respect online or managing technology in the home. It also has free online safety leaflets and booklets which are free to download.

4. Webwise Videos
Webwise has a range of Primary, and Post-Primary, videos that can be used to promote online safety. They explore a variety of topics including cyberbullying, online advertising, image sharing, online grooming and coercion, and consent. The Connected film, which looks at how young people communicate and connect online, is currently being promoted in cinemas, and across Video On Demand services and on social media. These can be a really useful way to start the online safety conversation with children and teens, or as a way to introduce a sensitive topic in the classroom. You could even considering showing one at assembly, or sharing a video on social media to promote Safer Internet Day!!

5. SID 2020 Awards
The Safer Internet Day Awards recognise the students and schools from all over Ireland, who run events, activities and positive actions for Safer Internet Day. The SID awards, which opens shortly, has categories for Primary, and Post-Primary, with prizes being given out for initiatives including ‘Best Use of Social Media’, ‘Best Anti-Bullying Campaign’ and ‘Best Use of Tech’. This year, for the first time the awards include a ‘Best Teacher’ category, to reward the amazing work being done by teachers across the country. Winners will be invited to an exclusive Awards Ceremony in April, where they will be honoured for their work, receive their prizes, AND meet a very special guest. Last year, more than 200 students received tickets to an exclusive gig by Irish band Chasing Abbey, at the Microsoft DreamSpace venue in Dublin. Keep an eye on the Webwise website, and social media for more details!

6. Help Spread the Word!
Use your voice to promote online safety, and help us to reach more children, families and schools across Ireland. Social Media is a great way to build awareness of, and show your support, for #SID2020! Why not post your pictures and videos using #SID2020 // #Connected on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram?
If you need inspiration for your SID event, Webwise have developed a #SID2020 Hub for anyone planning a event, the hub includes ideas, lessons, resources, videos and more.
Relevant Tags: @WebwiseIreland // @saferinternetday // #SID2020 // #Connected.