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FactCheck Knowledge Bank

Equip yourself to be your own FactChecker. The Journal FactCheck, which has been targeting disinformation in Ireland since 2016, launched a brand new media literacy resource to allow members of the public to be their own fact-checker. The Knowledge Bank helps people to navigate complex news topics that are conversation and debate starters across the country. 

Storytelling – “From Page to Screen” with author Dave Rudden

This is a series of lesson plans designed to educate students on the core concepts behind creative writing through film and TV. Each lesson plan is designed to guide participants through the official industry process of creating a treatment for a creative project, showing students the practical application of creative writing skills using existing stories

EDUbox: from vote to policy

Understanding how the political system works is part of the digital citizenship. However, the system can seem very complex, and it’s not always clear how our vote influences the final policy. EDUbox aims to provide young people with insights into the political process and let them discover the steps between an idea and eventual policy.

The Conspiracy Test

The Conspiracy Test is a collaboration between the School of Thought and the University of Queensland Critical Thinking Project. It is a gamified interactive platform to help increase healthy scepticism for conspiracy theories. Users can select a theory they think might be true, set a baseline of scepticism, and challenge themselves through a series of

Teaching Lateral Reading

Lateral reading is a powerful and effective technique used by factcheckers to evaluate the accuracy and reliability of information online. The Civic Online Reasoning project from the Stanford University offers a sequence of lessons that teachers can use to model lateral reading and guide students through a series of structured activities to develop and improve

SMILES – Young people fighting disinformation

SMILES is a media literacy project that aims to help young people learn how to fight disinformation. It offers a digital toolkit in English divided into blocks, each of them addressing a different topic. Teachers and educators can download the recourses for free, including slides, videos and handouts. Please click on the link below to


Childnet is a UK-based charity that aims to empower children, young people, and those who support them in their online lives, making the internet an enjoyable and safe place for children and young people. On their website, there are free resources for both teachers and parents, and they can be filtered by age group (3

Behind the Headlines

This programme developed by the Guardian Foundation aims to empower young people to understand, critically analyse, engage with and participate in the media. It offers resources that can be used to support and embed news and media literacy across the secondary curriculum, such  as lesson guidance, display materials, worksheets and news vocabulary fact files. Please