MLI launched the Be Media Smart on October 24 to mark Global Media and Information Literacy Week.
Now, more than ever, it is critical that people use accurate and reliable information when making informed decisions – whether those decisions relate to health, politics, economics or any other aspect of their lives.
The Be Media Smart campaign encourages people to Stop, Think and Check that the information that they read, see or hear is reliable and accurate.
This national campaign is, once again, supported by a wide range of MLI members, with special mention to Google Ireland, Irish Film Institute, TG4, RTÉ, Virgin Media, Sky Ireland and all the local, national and community radio stations across the country, as well as NewsBrands Ireland, Webwise, The Journal, TikTok and of course, our lead partners on the Be Media Smart Community Training Programme, EDMO Ireland.
Getting the Be Media Smart message out
The media campaign will run from October 24 until the end of November with Be Media Smart ads running across TV, radio, online and in news publications.
To help spread the message, please take a look at the Social Media Support Pack which includes links to a range of social media assets and the press release. Here are some simple first steps you can take:
· Help us spread the work by using the suggested posts and video/images in the Social Media Support Pack
· Tag Media Literacy Ireland and use #BeMediaSmart in your posts
· Show your support by updating your social channels with our supporter banners available in the Social Media Support Pack
· Publish the press release on your website. Be-Media-Smart-2023-Press-release-FINAL.pdf (bemediasmart.ie
The first of our Be Media Smart event, ‘Measuring What Matters’ took place on Oct 24 but don’t worry if you missed it as it will be available online soon. Keep an eye out on the Be Media Smart website for more events. If you are organising a Be Media Smart event, please do let us know by emailing info@medialiteracyireland.com and we will promote it across our channels and make sure that your local radio station and other MLI members are also aware of it.
A range of MLI members including EDMO Ireland, The Journal and TikTok are also collaborating around the Be Media Smart theme, so listen and watch out for discussions around the Stop, Think Check message on your local radio station and TikTok channels.
The new Be Media Smart website is also live with lots of new content such as Ask An Expert and Disinfo Debunks, and is available in Irish too. If you have news or events that you want included, please email info@medialiteracyireland.ie.
As you can see it is going to be a busy Autumn so keep an eye on the MLI and Be Media Smart websites for updates.