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EDMO and Media Literacy

The European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO) brings together fact-checkers, media literacy experts, and academic researchers to understand and analyse disinformation, in collaboration with media organisations, online platforms and media literacy practitioners.

There are eight national or multinational hubs, including one in Ireland. Each hub will provide specific knowledge at a national level to help counter disinformation, improve public awareness, and design effective responses for national audiences.

EDMO also intends to become a central resource for the media literacy community in Europe, providing expertise, ideas and opportunities for connection that will empower media literacy practitioners and others in the fight against disinformation.

Proposed activities under the media literacy workstream includes:

  • Mapping stakeholders and creating country profiles, to offer an overview of the state of media literacy in Europe
  • Providing examples and case studies of different types of media literacy projects, to demonstrate the breadth of initiatives that address a variety of skills and target audiences
  • Facilitating networking and knowledge exchange between practitioners across Europe